M​Z Minerals
Mineral Processing Cons ​ ulting
MZ Minerals can develop and manage collaborative research projects between the industry and academia, covering a variety of topics around mineral processing. Max Zanin holds an Adjunct Associate Professor position at both the University of South Australia and the University of Adelaide, and a network of contacts among the major universities worldwide.
MZ Minerals can provide companies with research proposals addressing their needs and interests, and conduct the research in collaboration with the best research institutions worldwide.
Over the years, several successful research projects have been developed, also in collaboration with AMIRA International. In particular, the AMIRA P260 project on minerals flotation has delivered significant returns to the project sponsors. An independent assessment of the project by RMDSTEM Ltd reported that the net value to AMIRA P260 sponsors from the project had exceeded A$ 1 billion by 2012. This success, and the continued industry support of P260, has been due to the project’s blend of strong fundamentals and real world, mineral processing engineering.
Joining a collaborative research project allows sponsoring companies to benefit from:
Access to state of the art equipment and expertise.
Access to know-how developed over decades of experience
Leverage on sponsoring money and access to public funding mechanisms (through the Australian Research Council
Feel free to contact us to discuss your company's needs and research interests.